Your truth comes first

Daniela Luján
Aug 21, 2022
1 min read

During the first 33 years of my life, I've sensed a constant dissonance. It's as if I've never quite fit in, always resisting the pressures of conforming to others' expectations. "This is how you should live," they say, or "This is the path to success."

Gradually, those voices grew so loud, they turned into an echo of my own. I silenced my inner voice and embraced the expectations placed upon me. But truth be told, I wasn't living my life—I was simply enduring it. (Without me even noticing!) Until, one day, everything shifted. I began reconnecting with my authentic self.

That comfortable, well-paying job lost its shine. Cracks in my relationships became painfully apparent, and the indulgent diet I once enjoyed started taking its toll. What was once bearable became intolerable. The voice I had suppressed long ago now screamed within me, aching for acknowledgment. Perhaps you feel it too—the backaches, the stomach knots, the pounding headaches—your body pleading to be heard. I didn’t notice my body was trying to tell me that I was in disalignment.

Listen. Believe me, there's a profoundly different and fulfilling life awaiting you beyond the confines of your old programming, those echoes in your mind that aren't even yours.

Your truth takes precedence. It matters not what your parents envisioned for you or what your friends are pursuing. Are those echoes hindering your pursuit of your dreams?

That fear you feel isn't truly yours—it belongs to others. Your life is yours alone, not theirs.

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