Community Architects

We're community architects, a collective, dedicated to hands-on community work, striving to empower and aid fellow communities, their members and developments on their transformative paths. We are catalysts of holistic evolution, committed to nurturing vibrant communities and fostering the emergence of a New Earth.

At the heart of our mission are two visionary individuals, each bringing distinctive experiences and unwavering dedication to drive collective growth and evolution.

Founder - Daniela Luján - Our Regenerative Community Architect - Formerly an architect specializing in bio-architecture and sustainability, is a regenerative strategist deeply engaged in fostering systemic change within community development. Actively involved in the Regenesis community since 2021 and in purpose-driven projects since 2014. Embracing the inspiration to bridge the gap between humans and nature, her primary motivation stems from repairing the misconception of human separation from the natural world. This aspiration is fueled by a desire to accelerate a paradigm shift for future generations.
Founder - Ian Nathan - Our Community Catalyst & Creative Mentor - Born and raised in a pioneering purpose-driven community, he carries a profound commitment to instilling similar values wherever he goes. With over 13 years of experience guiding individuals and couples towards personal and professional success, he's formed several lasting communities and continues to nurture environments that embody these values. His work spans private practice and executive coaching, driven by a desire to liberate individuals from old patterns and unlock their inherent potential, contributing to the emergence of the New Earth.

Our shared journey extends beyond conventional paths. Both have explored van life, consciously shedding baggage and minimizing consumption. During this time, we embarked on an exploratory quest, visiting various communities. In collaboration with other regenerative thinkers, we organized the Regenerative Dinner Series, a gathering where individuals convened to envision and craft the world they believe in, sparking creativity through their gifts and superpowers.

Alegría Village Community

Following our nomadic phase, we settled in a vortex where international communities are converging to explore new ways of living and relating. Immersed in these settings, we gain invaluable insights daily into the intricate dynamics between real estate developments and community creation.

Throughout our immersion, we've gained hands-on experience, enabling us to apply our knowledge.

Along our journey, we’ve participated in shaping guidelines and commissions to promote and infuse sustainability within the realm of physical structures, as well as focusing on the invisible structures—such as governance, conflict resolution, guild creation, community events, trust, and connection—that are essential for genuine and lasting community success.

In addition, we are actively participating in local initiatives to bridge communities and regenerate ecosystems. Our involvement extends to projects such as the Machuca Watershed regeneration and local language exchange, where we contribute to the collective effort in nurturing connections and revitalizing the environment.

Our journey is rooted in a profound belief: that the evolution of communities and the planet begins within each of us. We embrace the power of resonance, understanding that when individuals align with their true essence, transformation ripples through communities, shaping a more regenerative world.

We serve visionaries, community leaders, real estate developers and change-makers seeking to co-create legacy projects aligned with regeneration, community living and sustainability.

Our purpose transcends structures and developments; it's about co-creating spaces where humanity flourishes in harmony with nature.

Join us on this transformative journey. Together, we are shaping a future where regenerative communities thrive, where emotional intelligence and creativity are revered, and where each step taken is in rhythm with the heartbeat of the New Earth.

RegenSpirit - Transforming Spaces, Connecting Communities, Embracing Regeneration

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