New Earth Living Labs Launch

Daniela Luján
Jun 17, 2023
2 min read

We are inviting you to a celebration… the launch of New Earth Living Labs.

As you may know, Daniela and I have started the next phase of our lives together in Costa Rica. What you may not know is that we’ve been building a beautiful, eco real estate project in parallel with our own home for over a year now. We’re finally at a point where I’m sharing this with a few choice friends and family members, and I’d love for you to be one of them.

The main idea here is to combine a New Earth Project Incubator with an on-the-ground Community where we literally experience ourselves as nature and collaborate on projects together.

We’re going to have fun with it. Clearly… see the subject.

Think about the peak experiences in your life. The mapping moments that you base all future pursuits and decisions around. Why were they so significant?... ... ... Meaning!

Because they helped you tap into being part of a system, an ecosystem, they helped you feel like your life was part of something bigger.

That’s why nature is so special. Everything in the natural world works together to create a global living, breathing system. We sometimes forget we’re a part of that system, we start to feel separation, dis-ease, start to feel fear and scarcity, and that’s the point.

This message is the launch of the Núcleo of New Earth Living Labs. Where every project, every space, every experience, every workshop, even the business structures, investment strategies, and conflict resolution frameworks, they’re all designed to be emergent and natural. To let community members integrate and generate together.

It’s a hybrid community -part virtual, part in-person- so no need to move to Costa Rica to be a member.

We’re starting to share different parts of the project 1-2 times per month via email. There will be unique opportunities to be one of the early community members and supporters, and we’ll share them to this group first.

If any of this resonates, we’d like to invite you to join along for the journey.

In community,

Ian & Daniela

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