Are you a Creator? You can Regenerate the Planet. 🌍✨

Daniela Luján
Jun 19, 2023
3 min read

Welcome to our first 🌱 New Earth Living Labs newsletter!

Coming to Costa Rica has been the best decision we’ve ever made. Since our arrival here four months ago, we've realized that not only us but people from all around the world are being drawn to this beautiful town of San Mateo to co-create a harmonious life with nature and a vibrant community.

We currently reside in two well-established eco-communities: La Ecovilla and Alegria Village, where the physical space for New Earth Living Labs will soon be founded. (Click the links to learn more about La Ecovilla and Alegria Village)

Our journey has been filled with growth, and we've become deeply passionate about Regenerative Development and the incredible potential it holds.

Last night, I (Daniela) was reviewing the material about creating Regenerative Processes, and there's a fundamental principle that resonated strongly with us:

"The continuing health of living systems depends on each member living out its distinctive role."

Let us put it simply: The well-being of OUR PLANET relies on EACH OF US!

That's how nature operates, and guess what? We ARE nature too!

So, what is your distinctive role? We'd love to hear about it. (Seriously email us)

We've embarked on a transformative journey ourselves, shedding the layers of old programming and conditioning to gain clarity about our mission, and to listen to the wisdom of our bodies and souls. There's a much bigger reason for living on this planet at this moment in history, and it's certainly not to be stressed, burdened by loans, or working for a cause that you don't believe in.

Today, we invite you to explore the essence of your being and discover the transformative power that lies within you. If you resonate with the following beliefs and aspirations, you might identify as a "Regenerative Creator," or simply put, a "Regenerator." Let's delve deeper into what it means to be part of a community that embraces this identity to co-create a thriving future.

Believe in a Regenerative Future that Starts Within 🙋🏻‍♀️

As a Regenerator, you understand that real change begins at the very core of our being. You recognize the potential for growth and regeneration within yourself and in the world around you. By nurturing your own well-being, you inspire and contribute to the collective shift towards a more harmonious and regenerative future.

Embrace the Possibility of a More Wonderful World 🌟

You firmly believe that a more wonderful world is not only possible but also within our reach. Rather than giving in to disappointment or settling for the status quo, you decide to use your energy for positive change. Your unwavering belief in the potential for a brighter future fuels your actions and inspires others to join the journey. This is precisely why we aim to build a community together, as making a positive change by ourselves in a fragmented society can be challenging, the creativity and support of a community will be key.

Rise to Challenges Knowing that Growth is on the Other Side 🌿

You value self-reflection, personal growth, and exploration. You willingly confront your shadows, knowing that they hold valuable lessons and opportunities for transformation. Your thirst for knowledge and experiences drives you to continuously expand, learn, and deepen your understanding of yourself and the world.

Ian’s technique of embracing shadows has played a crucial role in my personal growth and exploration. This was the biggest shift for me; I now feel free to pursue my true purpose with fear of my shadows as the sign I’m going the right direction.

Co-create a Community of Care and Support 👥💚

You yearn to belong to a community based on care, support, and mutual respect. You understand that our individual well-being is deeply interconnected with the well-being of others. By watering meaningful connections and understanding the value that you uniquely add, you co-create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive and contribute.

This is something we have experienced in temporary communities like Burning Man, Envision Festival, Inanitah in Nicaragua, and many more. Now, our aspiration is to create an experimental and enduring community of like-minded individuals who can connect on a deep level, guided by their inner wisdom and boundless love. Together, we aim to take proactive steps and assume responsibility in building a healthier and more sustainable system.


As we continue this exciting journey together, in the 🌱 New Earth Living Labs we'll explore deeper insights, practical tools, and inspiring stories that nurture our shared vision. Stay tuned for future newsletters, where we'll delve into various aspects of living as Regenerators and co-creating a thriving future.

Remember, YOU have the power to make a meaningful difference and shape a brighter tomorrow. Let's walk this path together, hand in hand, as we bring YOUR and OUR vision into reality.

With love and gratitude,

Ian & Daniela

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